[geeks] Debian 4.0 Bittorrent for DVD

Mike Hebel nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Thu Apr 12 10:07:34 CDT 2007

In a fit of angst Bryan Fullerton gargled the following:
> On 4/11/07, velociraptor <velociraptor at gmail.com> wrote:
>> If someone would just make a decent Torrent client for the Mac or for
>> Linux (e.g. on par w/uTorrent), I'd be happier.
> I like rtorrent. It's a CLI app but uses ncurses for nice display.

Strangely I've been using Democracy TV as it's a bittorrent client as well
as a video player/downloader.  And it works on Mac, Linux, and Windows.

Mike Hebel
See with eyes unclouded, Think with mind uncluttered, Act with heart

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