[geeks] My network configuration

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Sun Apr 1 01:36:23 CDT 2007

On 01/04/2007, at 03:33, Phil Stracchino wrote:

>>> I suggest OpenWRT,
> DD-WRT is a big improvement.

I've been using WRT54Gs for years, and tried every available
firmware.  I've lately become a huge fan of Tomato.  It's based on
the Linksys WRT54GL source with an entirely new interface, and
"extensive changes to add new features, fix problems, optimize and
reduce the size" (from the FAQ).

I have it running on 2 of the three WRTs in the house right now and
couldn't be happier.  The third is just a node in the mesh that
covers the place, and I couldn't be bothered to change it from the
old Sveasoft firmware that's been on it for a couple of years
(Talisman/Basic 1.0.5).


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