[geeks] Broken Ipod Repair

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Mon Sep 18 15:50:39 CDT 2006

>From: Aaron Finley <aaronfinley at gmail.com>
>Date: 2006/09/17 Sun PM 11:39:18 CDT
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: [geeks] Broken Ipod Repair

>So, I was replacing the battery in my Ipod Mini 1st generation and
>managed to sever the cable  to the click wheel while trying to put it
>back in the case.


>The prices on eBay are exorbitant, they want $50 for a wheel and
>nobody seems to be buying them.

Wait till you price an Apple repair - $50 will seem cheap (not _reasonable_, but cheap) - Apple wants $125 flat rate to repair an iPod, IIRC.

>I took apart the wheel, and it appears I only need the molex cable
>assembly which includes the center push button switch. I wonder if
>Apple would sell me that part and what they would ask for it. I
>suppose I shall call them in the morning.

I don't think Apple sells iPod parts individualy, but if they, please let us know on the list...
>In any case, anyone have a broken Ipod or any idea how to repair a
>severed ribbon cable?

Nope, sorry.

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