[geeks] ftp upload renaming

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Thu Sep 14 23:35:50 CDT 2006

Thu, 14 Sep 2006 @ 23:06 -0400, der Mouse said:

> > 	- the limits on file sizes needs to be very high since the
> > 	  documents can be large 
> It would probably be a good idea to indicate what your idea of "very
> high" and "large" are.  One person's "very high" file size may be 1M
> (well, okay, that's unlikely except among the 8bitter fans); another's
> may be 1T....

The Apache server is specifically limited on upload sizes, and the
client doesn't want to increase them.

That's why I'm looking at alternatives.

I don't really like large Apache uploads either (32MB is usually about
as big as I allow).  It's been the source of a lot of headaches to me
over the years.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["Star Wars Moral Number 17: Teddy bears are
dangerous in herds."]

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