[geeks] I love it when software gets more efficient

William Kirkland bill.kirkland at gmail.com
Sun Sep 10 13:33:59 CDT 2006

On Sep 9, 2006, at 11:42, geeks-request at sunhelp.org wrote:

> Message: 4
> Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2006 16:48:29 -0500
> From: Phil Brutsche <phil at tux.obix.com>
> Subject: Re: [geeks] I love it when software gets more efficient
> To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
> Message-ID: <4501E52D.5090004 at tux.obix.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> It's also sad that we don't have a browser that integrates with your
> desktop environment... and that the (non-Windows) desktop doesn't  
> have a
> way to support hard-coded network-wide settings...

Since the unix world uses flat files to hold the configuration files,  
you should be able to distribute a script to each node, which would  
adjust the configuration file of all users. You could even provide it  
as a wrapper to your browser executable.

If designed and written correctly, unix users need only tweak their  
environment, because their system admin has provided a good  
configuration for their network-wide system.

Prior to cross platform compatibility of NIS, referred to as yellow  
pages (or yp) at the time, My users had the following features (some  
on SunOS -- a bsd derivative at the time, others on SGI, Apollo,  
Soulborne -- sun clone ... and a couple other vender's implementation  
of unix):

	common uid/login/password

	an alias for 'll' which provided a long listing in a consistent manner.
	consistent directory naming structure (applications could always be  
	at "/app/${application}-${version}".

	Their PATH would include --
		${HOME}/bin/${HOSTNAME}:${HOME}/bin/`uname -s`:${HOME}/bin: ...

btw: the use of gcc across a nfs mounted file system sucked but still  
it worked.

Bill.Kirkland at gmail.com

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