[geeks] what's a good soldering iron

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Mon Oct 30 15:31:18 CST 2006

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Kevin <kevin at pipeline.com>
> I've never had anything other than $15 Radio Shack models that
> take a good 15-20 minutes to heat up. I decided to finally bite
> the bullet and buy something decent.
> I'm not looking for anything crazy, just a decent iron.  I don't
> want to go much over $120 or so.  I'm hoping i can get something
> usable for that price, let me know if i'm wrong.
> I mostly just solder wires and a few simple ICs (car parts) as
> well as the occasional Indigo battery fix.  Stuff like that.
> What do you guys recommend?
> Thanks for the input,
> /KRM

Well, I use one of the old Weller 100/125 guns for general stuff
(even used it for ICs is the tip is fine enough and I'm quick enough
on the trigger).  For the IC stuff, I usually use one of those Wahl
Iso-tip rechargables.  Good for circuit boards and the battery
usually craps out when it's time for me to quit before my senses
crap out. :)  I've tried those battery powered jobs you see around
for $20.  They're OK but the graphite tip is fragile and at $10 a
pop, a little more expensive than I'd like (tips are found at
Rat Shack believe-it-or-not).  I've done SMT boards with it
and it's good in a pinch or odd location but the Wahl is really
the best I've used for CB stuff.  Oh, BTW, if you want the
Weller gun, try to find an old one that uses the nuts on the
tip.  Never seems to wear out, the nuts are reusuable and don't
strip like the newer screw ones.  Check your local pawn shop
or hamfest.  Last one I got (as a backup) cost $5.


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