[geeks] Jericho

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at mendelson.com
Fri Oct 27 00:25:08 CDT 2006

On Thu, Oct 26, 2006 at 06:22:18PM -0500, Brian Dunbar wrote:
> The BSG back story explains or implies that the low-tech approach aboard
> the warships is deliberate - high speed low drag gear was easily
> subverted by the enemy.

That would explain the Galactica itself, but the Pegasus was a "modern"
ship, and the rest of the fleet was wuilt during the postwar no one
cares about the Cylons period.

> Me - I've always wondered if it was simply an effort to save money on
> set dressing.  When you can go out and just _get_ the stuff at a surplus
> yard it saves money having to design and build the stuff.  Perhaps the
> production company had not forgotten that the original was one of the
> most expensive shows to produce in it's day, which led to it's quick
> demise when the ratings sank.

The original Start Trek was the most expensive series on TV when it was
made and for several years later. ST:NG was even worse, the special
effects budget was over $1m each episode. It sure kept ILM busy.

BTW, Star Trek was always a ratings dog, it did not become popular until
it was syndicated on UHF TV. If you say "The City on the Edge of Forever",
I can still picture it in my mind in black and white.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel gsm at mendelson.com  N3OWJ/4X1GM
IL Voice: (07)-7424-1667  Fax ONLY: 972-2-648-1443 U.S. Voice: 1-215-821-1838 
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