[geeks] value of PIII PC servers

Micah R Ledbetter vlack-lists at vlack.com
Sat Jun 24 14:59:29 CDT 2006

On Jun 24, 2006, at 00:19, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> I usually find that getting cards from Asus just works.  Likewise I  
> have
> good luck with MSI video cards.
> The rest seems a crapshoot, and brands like BFG sell overclocked  
> cards.

According to this wiki[0],  eVGA does the reference boards for  
nVidia, and Sapphire does the reference boards for ATI (both ATI- 
branded and Sapphire-branded cards are manufactured by Sapphire).  
eVGA also offers a lifetime warranty.

[0] http://shsc.info/PCPartsPickingGuide#titelanker13

  - Micah

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