[geeks] RHCE advice

Francois Dion francois.dion at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 10:47:36 CDT 2006

On 7/25/06, velociraptor <velociraptor at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 7/24/06, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at verizon.net> wrote:
> > >From: Michael Parson <mparson at bl.org>
> > >Date: 2006/07/24 Mon PM 01:46:06 CDT
> > >To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
> > >Subject: Re: [geeks] RHCE advice
> >
> > <snip>
> >
> > >I don't send my resumes to gigs requiring a degree in the field,
> > >it's bad enough that they want my resume in Microsoft Word format.  But
> > >that's another rant, for another thread, on another day. =)
> >
> > You know, if you make a plain text file and end the filename with .doc, it will most likely "count" as a Word format file, and load properly (though it will be in the default font for the PC - obviously)...
> I've gotten in the habit of telling folks that I don't have M$ Office,
> and that I can either send them pdf, plain text, rtf, or a doc file
> that I have no idea about how it will appear.  Sadly they most often
> go for the doc.

Isn't that crazy? What is really silly is when you are talking to a
Unix shop and they want a doc. Huh?? I would get on Sun salesguys all
the time when they would send me a document in MS Office (powerpoint,
doc, excel). Or when they'd show up with a laptop running Windows.

> I've only folks that have wanted the plain text or
> pdf versions are direct recruiters/managers.  The head hunters want to
> be able to cut and paste your resume into their company's template.
> Frankly, many do a crap job of it, as I've seen the results in
> manager's hands when I get to the face-to-face.

I had a resume that a recruiter send me on which I lost over 1 hour to
just read the thing. What they do: they copy and pasted the resume in
their template, and beside looking extremely ugly and alignment
problems left and right, their template uses something that makes half
the document unreadable under Star Office or Open Office. Even word 97
wouldn't open it so I had to hunt down a machine with Office XP to
view the whole resume.


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