[geeks] Public DNS server in the U.S.

Mark G. Thomas Mark at Misty.com
Tue Feb 7 12:42:24 CST 2006


On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 08:34:58AM +0200, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
> Hi,
> For some reason DNS searches have been timing out. I don't know whether
> it's a problem with my ISP, a general problem with Israel's part
> of the internet, or a DOS attack of some sort against DNS servers.
> I use my own caching DNS server (named on a linux box) and forward
> requests to my ISP for names outside of my lan, etc. I'd like to
> add a U.S. server so that if the local ones time out, it will
> try a more local (to the sites I am looking for) server.
> Any suggestions for DNS servers that allow public requests?

Why forward non-local-lan requests?

Why not just resolve everything yourself?



Mark G. Thomas (Mark at Misty.com)
voice: 215-591-3695
http://www.misty.com/  http://mail-cleaner.com/

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