[geeks] Paypal: complaint resolution in my favor

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Sun Dec 24 15:30:20 CST 2006

Sun, 24 Dec 2006 @ 11:10 -0500, Aaron Finley said:

> > Whatever.  It seems to me your mileage has varied.
> Log on to eBay's "community forums" a.k.a. seller central or the
> PayPal forum, and see how paranoid sellers are about taking PayPal.

Likewise, look at the buyer forums and you'll see the opposite.

I'm not sure I'd expect anything different.  That's at least partially
why the forums are there.

> Most will not take it for items over $100 due to the lack of security
> for sellers against buyer claims.

I find that hard to believe, because I've found it hard to find sellers
who don't insist on Paypal myself.

I used to consciously avoid Paypal, but if I do that now I can't get
what I need.

> If you pay via PayPal with a credit card, as you should be doing, you
> have 100% control over every transaction you make, up to and including
> any outrageous claim you can think of.

Yes, but that has nothing to do with Paypal. That's how credit
protection is set up in this country.

Even if you do not use a credit card for Paypal, they still operate as a
credit service and have to work within that system.

All credit sales in the USA are protected like that. The creditors are
required to follow a consumer protection policy. 

What does Paypal do differently from MasterCard or any other creditor?
>From what I've seen, they operate pretty much the same from a buyers
point of view.

The major difference I see is that my credit cards actually offer even
more buyer protection, and are generally faster and more responsive.
Most of my cards also automatically insure my purchases.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["Meddle not in the affairs of Wizards, for
thou art crunchy, and taste good with ketchup." -- unknown]

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