[geeks] Education

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Wed Oct 5 18:42:02 CDT 2005

> Are you serious? I graduated highschool, though by their own rules I
> shouldn't have. I flatly refused to do homework all through highschool
> because I didn't see the point in repeatedly doing something I already knew.
> Because I never did my homework I have 4 years of D's and F's, but I was
> still allowed to graduate. Why? The staff decided they couldn't really
> justify holding me back since I got A's on every single test, midterm, and
> final exam. I obviously had learned the material, but the grading system
> didn't reflect that since so much of our grade was based on our homework.
> Caleb

Obviously, the teachers felt the grading system was wrong but that is dictated
from higher up and they have little or no control over that.  In my system,
homework is 20% of the grade and I tell them to "give it a try" and they get
full credit as long as they correct their mistakes.  So I have some latitude.
My principal wants us to give homework every single day.  I don't.  Being 
in a "magnet" school offers me the option of saying, "You don't want to do 
homework?  Don't expect higher than a B.  You don't like that?  There are
four other high schools you can go to.  This place is an option.  You chose
to come here, you abide by the rules."  A little harsh but the point is
we're here to do some work.

Oh yes, I am serious.


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