[geeks] SGI Sadness

Kevin kevin at mpcf.com
Wed Jul 13 06:39:21 CDT 2005

My mother was a teacher for many years (as well as a
certified Novell admin, micro-biologist, horse trainer,
insurance saleswoman, amateur pilot.... the odd list goes on).  I
can attest that she put more hours into teaching than i EVER have
at any job.  

Besides actually being in the classroom, she was developing
lesson plans, grading papers, calling parents and shopping for
classroom materials, which she paid for with her own money. 

Teachers have it rough if they want to do a thorough job. 
Luckily, she now has a good network admin job, so at least she
has something to show for the hours that she puts in.


On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 01:59:23 +0000
wa2egp at att.net wrote:

> Well, about 80% of those who go into teaching last less than
> three years. These past few years every moment seems like a
> "weak moment".  Why do you  think teachers rebel at the idea of
> year-round school?  We need  the R&R! :) (Before anyone raises
> that 8:30-3:00 crap, I can prove I put in the same amount or
> more time compared to a 9-5er with a two week  vacation.)   I
> could retire next year but I think I'll hang around an be a
> Bob

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