[geeks] (sigh) BestBuy official documentation...

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Fri Jul 1 15:38:46 CDT 2005

> According to a friend who works at a store over in California, this 
> past weekend, the booklet for the handheld department (MP3 players, 
> cellphones, etc) contained a few special notes about viruses.
> Apparently, after getting a virus, your mp3 player will start to get 
> sluggish and eventually stop working altogether. And if you use your 
> MP3 player in your car, you need to be epically careful, since your 
> car's computer will probably catch the virus and you could be in for 
> some extremely expensive repair work.
> I'm getting this secondhand, so some of that information may have 
> been reinterpreted. I'm sure this part of the booklet has been put in 
> a blog somewhere, but so far no dice finding it...
> -mKaegler
That's why I go there for all of my computer information.....NOT!
I sincerely doubt that a car computer and an MP3 play have even
the same CPU much less a way for the "virus" to go from the player
to the car computer.  There's no damn connection!  I think this 
info is bogus.  Where is Penn and Teller when you need them?

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