[geeks] Ultra 20 thoughts

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Fri Jul 1 11:03:08 CDT 2005

Having spent some time dinking with the shopping cart at Sun Store tells me the following:

If you add memory to a base configuration, and enter "doubleyourmemory" as a promotion code, the additional memory is free. The catch is you can't add memory to either the 90 day try and buy systems or the "free system" configurations (with software support for 3 years).

If you choose an "upgraded" model for the "free system" they show the list prices as "$0, $500, and somethng like $1,100" + the $1,780.20 service contract. The list price is added to your first years payment, due upon order.

The bundled software (Java Studio Creator and Java Studio Enterprise) require 1 Gig of RAM, but the software ships on 512 Meg machines.

The graphics options are priced the same if you buy them with the system or independently.

There are three CPUs available 1.8 GHz, 2.2 GHz, and 2.6 GHz, the last two are only available as part of an upgraded configuration (for example the 2.2 GHz CPU can only be ordered with 1 Gig of RAM and the NVS 280 graphics adapter). The 2.2 GHz configuration is $1,395 which includes $250 of upgrades, making the CPU upgrade cost $250.

Memory is not available from Sun Store directly (yet). Per Sun, only one Gig of non-ECC RAM can be installed (4x 256 Meg DIMMs), but four Gigs of ECC RAM can be installed. Suitable ECC RAM appears pricey, from Sun or other sources.

Why is keyboard is separate in ALL configurations, even in the "free system" package - making your first year (12x $29.95) + $45...

I'm considering the middle system (2.2 GHz Opteron, 1 Gig ECC RAM (plus one free Gig), NVS280 graphics for $1,395 + $45 keyboard), but I also like the price on the base system (1.8 GHz Opteron, 512 Meg non-ECC RAM (plus free 512 Meg non-ECC) and base graphics for $895 + $45 keyboard. The $500 difference is substantial, but the performance upgrade looks good...


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