[geeks] 2 solaris 10 questions

Scott Howard scott at doc.net.au
Sat Sep 25 22:00:13 CDT 2004

On Sat, Sep 25, 2004 at 01:31:26PM -0400, Francois Dion wrote:
> Yep, in fact I noticed that apache and tomcat are part of the install.
> I was a little surprised by that, since J2EE is a free download now..

Apache was in S9. Tomcat is new thought I think.

> BTW, Scott, do you know when of if 1400x1050 will be supported in Solaris?

Solaris supports whatever the video drivers support. There's a pile of new
drivers in S10 for x86 kit, although I'm not aware of the actual details/
what modes they support/etc


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