[geeks] Special skills draft?

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at mail.zill.net
Sat Sep 25 00:18:58 CDT 2004

On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 11:54:30PM -0400, Andrew Weiss wrote:
> On Sep 24, 2004, at 9:40 AM, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
> >1.  ended slavery of blacks in the US, which southern Democrats
> >vehemently supported
> While the origins of the Republican party ended slavery, the modern  
> parties are no longer related that way.  In fact, the case is the  
> opposite.
> http://www.hpronline.org/news/2002/11/11/Cover/Role-Reversal 
> -314680.shtml
> See role-reversal.

You know Andrew, I really wish you would take the time to learn WTF
you are talking about.  You are sort of the Carly Fiorina of this

You quote one highly-biased article on Harvard Political Review,
written by professors who are all Democrats, in support of your
argument.  It is an editorial.  My original post contained facts, not
feelings or suppositions.

> >
> >1a. and paid the political price as it was not until the 1990s (140
> >years after the Civil War) that Republicans started to be elected in
> >many of the Southern states
> >
> True to a point.
> >2.  passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act over the opposition of Democrats
> >(Al Gore's father, a senator, voted against it, for instance)
> False

It was only signed into law AFTER it passed the House and the Senate.
You don't seem to be aware of "how a bill becomes a law".  Facts is
facts, southern Dems opposed it and without the Republicans the bill
would not have had the slightest chance of passing.  They worked with
LBJ to get it passed because they believed it was the right thing to

And Al Gore Sr. did in fact vote against it.

In the House of Representatives, 61% of Democrats (152 for, 96
against) voted for the Civil Rights Act as opposed to 80% of
Republicans (138 for, 38 against). In the Senate, 69% of Democrats (46
for, 21 against) voted for the Act while 82% of Republicans did (27
for, 6 against). All southern Democrats voted against the Act.

> >advisors a "F***ing Jew B*stard" (that was Hillary Clinton)
> >
> Hearsay.

A sophomoric, off-the-cuff response made with no research, you
obviously didn't even give it a Google.

Multiple people have confirmed it.  She said it in the presence of at
least 3 people who heard her and have publicly stated so.  Remember,
those three people would have been those who were pro-Clinton and
working in the Arkansas campaign (for Attorney General IIRC); the
three were not Karl Rove, Dick Cheney and Rudy Giuliani.  And it was
covered in a book published by a regular publishing house to boot.

> >5.  generally opposes Planned Parenthood, whose founder believed in
> >eugenics and felt abortion was necessary in America to have a "cleaner
> >race" (sound familiar?)
> ><snip>
> This and the following snipped material sound like something out of the  
> bible of tin-foil hatdom.

Again, you simply have no clue... I put "cleaner race" in quotes,
because it IS a quote.  

Google for "Margaret Sanger" "mud race" (yes, that is another term she
used for non-whites); also "American Birth Control League" which
applauded Hitler's forced sterilizations - they changed their name
sometime in the 1940's due to their support for Hitler.

Margaret Sanger spoke at a KKK meeting in 1926 (let me assure you that
she did not confuse it with the Krispy Kreme Korporation).  

Sanger set up a plan called "The Negro Project" designed to sterilize
blacks and thus reduce the number of blacks being born.  She wrote:

"[We propose to] hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with
social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most
successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious
appeal. And we do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate
the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten
out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious

See the quotes above?  They indicate ACTUAL WORDS written or spoken by
the person, IN THAT EXACT ORDER.

Really, I wonder if you aren't some berserker Lisp-based AI hooked up
to this list, and somewhere a grad student is sniggering over your
mind-spooge, but still getting A's from his prof... that would explain
your ability to find web articles to tangentially support one point
but your inability to do research *before* you post.


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