[geeks] Domain litterals with evil MS Exchange, how would you do this?

Francois Dion fdion at atriumwindows.com
Tue Sep 21 21:11:37 CDT 2004

Mike Meredith <mike at blackhairy.demon.co.uk> said:

> On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 16:47:30 -0400, Francois Dion wrote:
> > I have a proper unix box (sun) with qmail. I have a specific account I
> >
> > need to forward to a MS Exchange 2003 (w/AD and all) server inside the
> >
> > network, on a private IP. I just forwarded to user at internal ip. I do
> Shouldn't that be 'user@[literal_ip]' ? It's worth a go anyway.

Yes, that's what I had tried. I tried both ways. I put also <> around the
address, all kinds of variations. I did some search and everybody agrees, MS
Exchange cant do it by default and it's rather involved if you want to do it.
I've found something to do it with 5.5, but nothing specific to 2000 or 2003:
2003 is different in that regard. It seems it has to be done thru the default
policy under recipient policies. Again, how could this actually bring the server
down by adding the @[ip] entry here?

> > What is the best approach? Do some kind of hack to replace the IP with
> The Exchange box should have some kind of hostname that it recognises
> addresses for, so you should be able to send to
> 'user at exchange_hostname'. All you need to do is configure the Unix box
> to resolve 'exchange_hostname' to the internal address. If the Exchange
> box uses a simple hostname, just set the address in /etc/hosts. If it
> only recognises an FQDN, you'll have to set that up in the DNS.

Unfortunately, it actually expects the same domain as my main mail server (let's
say i have my unix mail server as mail.abc.com, authoritative for abc.com, it
expects the delivered-to to have user at abc.com). It seems easier to fly a rocket
to the moon then to get any change done on that box. I also expect the borg
assimilation to be in the short term, unfortunately. Exchange doesn't look like
it's going away.

Francois Dion

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