[geeks] Gmail's attraction

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sun Sep 5 00:13:42 CDT 2004

On Sun, 5 Sep 2004, Scott Howard wrote:

> EMail _is_ the right way to do file transfer in most organisations.

Just because it's common doesn't mean it's right.  You know, if I were
creating a file-transfer protocol, I might call it...FTP!

> sharing area == insecure. Either everyone has access, or you have to put
> procedures/systems in place to manage the security. EMail does all of
> this for you automatically.

I'm sorry?  Is it only my PCs that happen to have to option of sharing
individual folders, with each share's rights assignable to any user with
a local (or domain) account?

It is Not Hard to set up a temporary user with a temporary password and
to send an email saying:

   Dear, foo,

     Your files are at \\mymachine\things\blargh.  Use your usual
     username with your birthday in mm/dd/yyyy as your password.


> On the internet it's a (slightly) different story, but within the
> corporate world Email has become the standard method of sharing/transfering
> files.

And Windows is the standard OS.  That doesn't mean it's worth a crap.

Jonathan Patschke )
Elgin, TX        (  "Ma'am, I can do anything.  I own a game store."
USA               )             --Gord ( http://www.actsofgord.com )

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