[geeks] Re: [rescue] Thoughts on mailing list advertising?

Mike Meredith mike at blackhairy.demon.co.uk
Wed Oct 13 01:38:24 CDT 2004

On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 23:14:51 -0400, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> Which rules come first?  If the RBL rules come first, then of course
> SA only blocked a few.

I can't recall which order the DNSBL rules and the 'spam-spoor' rules
are in. They're before the SA rule though, although order is irrelevant
when I'm not blocking with SA.

> I get few RBL hits because SA blocks most of my spam before the RBL
> lists apply.  I should have mentioned rule order in my post too.

That *would* make the DNSBLs look kind of anaemic especially as SA uses
quite a few itself.

> > (I don't use SpamAssassin to block for historical and political
> > reasons).
> What's the political reason?  Just curious, as I've seen a lot of

I work at a .ac.uk where there's some twitchyness at anything that
smacks of censureship (SA is about content; DNSBLs are about sources).
Mind you the 'academic freedom' thing is misunderstood ... it is
supposed to mean that academics cannot be fired for holding views
unpopular with senior management.

> Ah, but not when your provider's machines are doing all the work... :)

I prefer doing my own providing ... I've been doing it longer than most
ISPs, although admittedly our network service is provided by JANET who
have been around since the 1970s.

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