[geeks] MySQL question

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed May 19 20:20:28 CDT 2004

On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 07:20:28PM -0400, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> Even on same hardware/OS I always dump and reload.  It's just my 
> comfort level is much higher doing that way.

Okay, then tell me how to get around this:

root at habu:/usr/local/mysql/data> ../bin/mysql -p mysql < mysql.sql
Enter password: 
ERROR 1050 at line 11: Table 'columns_priv' already exists

mysql.sql is a dump of the "mysql" privs database from the other box.

I dont think you can start up mysql *without* already having a 
"mysql" database.. 


bill bradford
austin texas

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