[geeks] Interesting article on fingerprint biometric systems

Sandwich Maker adh at an.bradford.ma.us
Tue May 11 14:44:15 CDT 2004

" From: Dan Duncan <dand at pcisys.net>
" On Tue, 11 May 2004, Sandwich Maker wrote:
" > i was more concerned with how they obtain a code in the first place -
" > guessing?  snooping?  interrogation?
" Any of the above are possible, I guess, but interrogation is
" where you would have the opportunity to give a duress code.
" Snooping might work if you needed to record your code (BAD BAD BAD!)
" and recorded your duress code with a mental note to add or subtract
" to get the real code.

that sort of approach is good mnemonics but bad strategy - that means
the black hats could guess your real code starting from the duress
one, as long as they don't actually try the duress code -itself-.

and you have to be able to remember a code you don't actually use
while under stress.  unless they use social engineering and just trick

" > what makes them fall for the
" > duress code over the real one?
" Why wouldn't they fall for the duress code?

ummm because they're sneaky, underhanded, devious, and suspicious?
and know the first code they're likely to get is the duress code?

" It appears to be a
" valid code, and would appear to work at first.  By the time
" the unauthorized party realizes it wasn't the correct code,
" presumably they are surrounded by MPs with guns.

unlikely at your average atm.  nice image though,

" At
" $LOCAL_AIR_FORCE_BASE, the man trap entry has an armed response
" time on the order of 15 seconds.  They'll try not to shoot
" the hostage but no guarantees.  Ahhh, the wonders of DoD.

they do get things right.  alas, it seems to be mostly where force is
the unqualified solution.  as my friend remarked - listening to the
hearings today - the dod is a -very-blunt- weapon.

" > " One thing I did learn about retinal scanners:  They make GREAT
" > " pregnancy tests.
" >
" > boy is -that- loaded...  just imagine how employers could misuse that
" > info.
" Any more so than they might misuse more obvious signs of pregnancy?
" It doesn't stay secret for very long.

yeah, but women get un-pregnant for any number of reasons, often
before it shows.  and what difference does it make, until it impedes
the job or requires leave?  the extra six-odd months pay is valuable,
but tell me that many employers would not spend that time looking for
excuses to terminate asap, if they knew.
as for airliners squawking 7700 - none of the 9/11 did.  suppose the
hijackers knew not to allow it?  or just killed the trained crew
before they could squawk?  remember, all those guys went through
-american- flight schools.  even if the squawk had had some sort of
dead-man switch, they'd have known.
Andrew Hay                                  the genius nature
internet rambler                            is to see what all have seen
adh at an.bradford.ma.us                       and think what none thought

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