[geeks] chown usage and dot files

Kevin kevin at mpcf.com
Fri Jan 23 13:19:54 CST 2004

It does not.  I'm doing "chown -R dirname" and everything is affected
except dot files.  This has been this way for me under linux since as
far as i can remember and i just tested it again for the hell of it
and it leaves .foo alone.

I'll try the .??* to fix my current issues and it should work, should
have thought of that myself.  Maybe there is no option flag for
the ch* apps to affect dot files so that users don't do dumb ass
stuff like i did the other day i.e. "# chown -R foo/.*"

Yet another example of why one shouldn't play around when logged in
as root.


On Fri, 23 Jan 2004 12:34:53 -0500
Phil Stracchino <alaric at caerllewys.net> wrote:

> But if you chmod or chown -R foo, then it should pick
> up everything within foo, including .foorc.

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