Speaking American (was Re: [geeks] whats a Good KVM?)

RichT mail at 23.me.uk
Thu Jan 8 15:39:53 CST 2004

At 19:15 08/01/2004, you wrote:
>> But you _should_ use " y'all " in your native English.  It fills an
>> important gap; there isn't really a better second person plural in the
>> English tongue.
>You is still perfectly acceptable!
>We in Scotland on occasions use "yous" which is handy.
>Rumour has it ewes are also used in parts, but that's a different matter.

yes i here that ewes are used here in Yorkshire too...
not that i would know, some one else told me _honist_

>> I can't be the only person who thinks it would be amusing to hear "
>> y'all " and "all y'all" on BBC radio ....

hehe i can just see it now "hello all y'all this is the BBC news at 6"

doh so no one use KVM's then i found one but i think #700 with out the cables
is a little excessive
and i doubt my boss would be t0o willing .


>Damn, I could cope with some BBQ from Rudy's now.
>Steven Hill
>Your child may be an honor student, but you're still an idiot.
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