[geeks] Asterisk PBX

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Dec 8 00:56:15 CST 2004

On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 05:41:08PM -0500, james wrote:
> Asterisk is pretty easy, and http://www.xorcom.com has its Rapid ISO
> which makes a bootable CD that installs the minimum required Debian
> Linux and * pbx. Its free, btw.
> And to avoid confusion... FXO ports connect to telco POTS lines, and FXS
> ports connect to POTS phones.
> I'd use one of the cheapo voice modems (for an FXO port) that Atom
> mentioned and get an IP phone or two to start. If you want to stay cheap
> until you decide you like it you can use the FireFly softphone which
> runs on a PC and makes/takes SIP based VoIP calls to an * pbx (or other
> VoIP system). FireFly is freeware and to the pbx it appears exacly like
> a VoIP phone.

I've built a VIA EPIA mini-ITX box to be my Asterix server when I get moved
to Houston:

VIA C3 1Ghz CPU, 512M RAM, 80G HD (overkill, I know), 10/100 ethernet, 
CD-ROM, single PCI slot.  Uses an external power "brick" versus a regular
mini-ITX internal power supply, so the only noise is the HD spinning and
a very tinny whir from the two small vent fans.

As for other parts:

Bought a "clone" X100P card off eBay from DigitNetworks
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5728298117 ($20)

Bought a Grandstream BudgeTone 101 IP phone off eBay from The VoIP Connection:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5727983615 ($65)

Bought the "VoIP Telephony with Asterisk" book off eBay from Signate:
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=5132677665 ($50)

Unfortunately, all of this stuff arrived while I was near-death with 
pneumonia about a month ago, and I've not had a chance to hook it up
and get everything going.  Most likely it will be packed up and setup
once we get a house in Houston and I have time to fiddle with things.

I highly recommend the book from Signate, even though it's $50.

Thanks for the Xorcom pointer - I'll have to check it out.  


bill bradford
austin texas

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