[geeks] worst ad placement ever

Nick nick at pelagiris.org
Wed Aug 11 13:21:43 CDT 2004

On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 05:15:56PM +0000, wa2egp at att.net wrote:
> -------------- Original message from Bill Bradford : -------------- 
> Don't know.  Looks pro-Bush to me.  10 out of 10 terrorists
> say anybody BUT Bush.  BTW, that has been showing up as a bumper
> sticker on the East Coast.
The problem with this sticker is while it's harder/more dangerous to be
a terrorist under a repressive regime, it's also more common.  It is a
tradeoff of sorts, you catch more terrorists and you create more
terrorists.  Of course the theory behind the bill of rights was to
prevent a repressive regime.... oops.

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