[geeks] background check software

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Mon Sep 22 09:10:06 CDT 2003

> Hi,
> I need to do a background check on someone in Canada. I'd like to do it
> for free or if I have to purchase software. Any ideas or recemondations?
> The reason I need to do it is someone posted a message announcing a new
> "business consulting" business on a private mailing list where commercial
> postings are not allowed. The person was NOT named, however a link to
> a website was posted.
> Someone else responded with a somewhat sarcastic remark, removing the 
> the website address.
> I responded with more sarcasm and some notes about business development.
> Never mentioning his name or website.
> He threatened to sue me.

The "lawsuit" could be what's termed "SLAPP"  (Strategic lawsuit against 
public participation). It's used by a lot of people just to shut others up.(1)

> While I know that he has no grounds for it, I would prefer to avoid a suit
> in case he meant it as a way of extorting money from me.

Ignore him.  That takes away his "power".
> I've done some checks and found that he lived in Canada for many years
> after moving there from Peru. In 2002, he and his family became religious
> and moved to Israel.
> His web site contains nothing even a month old. No verifiable details
> before his arrival in Israel and no listing of all the business he
> supposedly founded.
> Personal comments from people in his neighborhood were all negative.
> My guess is that he changed his first name to a Hebrew one, and as we
> say here "put on a black hat" (became ultra-orthodox) and moved here as
> a way of avoiding the law, Revenue Canada, or an irate investor(s).
> If that is the case and I can find anything out about him, such as a 
> criminal record, outstanding judgments, etc I'll get rid of him once
> and for all. Not only for me but as a service to the community.
> I've thought of taking his pictures from his web site of himself in a
> black hat, shooting an UZI and Kalashnakof, and puttting them together
> with his current name, address and phone number and faxing them to the
> RCMP, Revenue Canada, and the Solicitor General of Canada annonomusly.

Don't bother, it's not worth the effort.  Could cause you more trouble
in the future.  Some people are just looking for that type of reaction 
so they can get money.  Don't give him any ammunition.

> However, if I can find out details it would be better because if he just
> is an idiot, I'd rather leave him alone if he leaves me alone.
> Thanks, Geoff.

He's an idiot.  

(1) One example of a "slapp" that I can think of was one where a professional
magician showed how a psychic performed his "abilities" and said the psychic
couldn't prove he had those abilities.  The professional magician was
"slapped" with a defamation of character lawsuit and easn't allowed to say 
anything else about the psychic while the psychic could continue advertising
and plying his trade.  BTW, the magician eventually won, including his
counter suit and the psychic left the USA so he wouldn't have
to pay.

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