[geeks] Halloween

Kevin kevin at mpcf.com
Mon Nov 3 09:10:01 CST 2003


It has been turned commercial for some time now but my little girl likes it, as do the rest of the
children in the neighborhood and i get a kick out of seeing them happy.  Bring on the trick or
treating.  Next year i'll actually have a house so i may go all out with the spooky house thing.  I
think i have more fun watching and playing with the kids than i did when i was a kid trick or

Now the part i don't like is some 20 year old schmuck walking around in some goofy outfit who wants
me to give him candy.  That's asinine.


On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 11:35:48 -0800 (PST)
Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> --- "Jonathan C. Patschke" <jp at celestrion.net> wrote:
> > But this Halloween crap is just nonsense.
> Well, speaking as a parent it is really "for the children" ;^)
> For single folks, it is a drinking holiday IMHO. For parents of
> children, it is an easy way to have some fun with the kids.
> It strikes me as the "napster" of the candy industry - peer-to-peer
> candy sharing.
> Let's see - I buy 10 pounds of candy, give 8 away, and my kids truck
> home about 8 pounds - but it is different that what I got...
> It is also good for the desktop candy dishes in offices around America,
> as parents try to rid themselves of "excess" candy for the next few
> weeks...
> Just my opinion, I have no problem with those that "don't get it - it
> is stupid, but some kids really like it - and that's enough for me."
> ;^)
> =====
> Lionel
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