[geeks] SCO sues IBM (pure UNIX *BSD)

Koyote koyote at koyote.cx
Mon Mar 10 15:13:08 CST 2003

Michael Schiller <schiller at agrijag.com> writes:

> On Monday, March 10, 2003, at 12:23 AM, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> > So, why do -none- of the UNIX(tm) systems I run have it?  AIX, Solaris,
> > IRIX, and HP-UX seem to disagree with you.
> I don't know what version of Solaris you're using, but Solaris 9 comes
> with bash,tcsh, csh, zsh, and ksh.

I'll agree, though, that bash != bsh. I do think it is a valid superset,

> -Mike
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