[geeks] Problem with my Screen

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sat Jun 7 15:18:13 CDT 2003

A row of transistors is stuck on in one case green in the other blue.

You would need a replacement LCD...

If you do a mail-in Apple repair it might cost a bit but it'd be less 
than taking it in and getting charged for the LCD which is usually 
$1000 plus.

Apple wants $330 flat to fix my Pismo... I might do it soon, but the 
problem can wait... Mine is a case of not being able to warm boot... 
only cold boot.  If I warm boot I get a flashing question mark... If I 
power off and back on I boot normally.  Sleep is ok too so I think it's 
the motherboard (not the power board) or the hard disk.  What would 
suck is if it is the hard disk and I still get charged for the repair 
and then have to replace the drive anyway.


On Friday, June 6, 2003, at 12:59  AM, vance at neurotica.com wrote:

> The screen on my PowerBook G4 (Gigabit Ethernet) seems to have 
> developed
> two vertical lines about two thirds of the way to the right side of the
> screen.  One is green and one is blue and they are about an inch and a
> half apart.  What causes this?  My laptop has been sitting on a table 
> for
> a while and hasn't been stepped on or dropped or anything like that.  
> Any
> ideas?  I'm thinking of taking it to the Apple Store to have them look 
> at
> it.
> Peace...  Sridhar
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