[geeks] Psychotropics aka anti-depressants, etc

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at mendelson.com
Wed Jul 23 14:31:33 CDT 2003

> The "standards" for ADD/ADHD diagnosis are vague.  This dramatic
> increase for Ritalin and related drugs is primarily in the US as
> well.  The pharmaceutical companies advertise these drugs like
> they are the panacea for the stress of modern life.

I can't speak about the U.S. here in Israel the process of getting ritalin
is much more difficult. One has to be evaluated by a psychatrist and
have a prescription written. Once written refills can be issued by the
family doctor.

Paul was tested for ADD by the neurology clinic at a local hospital.
His case was reviewed by a real expert in pediatric ADD (as he was
under 18 at the time) and a diagnosis was made. 

Danny (the youngest) was observed for over a year by the staff of his
school which includes teachers specailizing in physical and emotional
disabilites, an occupactional therapist, psycologist, and examined
several times by a neurologist before a diagnosis was given of ADD and
the sugestion was made to put him on Ritalin. His teacher has 30 years
experience with children who have special needs, and carefuly monitored
the effect of the drug.

All of this was done with our full consent and INFORMED knowledge.

Michael, now 8, was sent to an "observation kindergarden" at age 4 and
spent two years there. He was diagnosed as hasving PDD after two difficult
years of evaluation as PDD in a child that young is difficult to diagnose.
The school was wonderful, treated him well, he had a great time,
learned to feel good about himself and learned a lot.

After that he spent a year in a "communications kindergarten" where he
and the other 5 boys in his class had a a full time classroom staff of 3,
plus the usual consolting occupational therapist, psycologist, etc. He
spent 60% of his time in the kindergarten and 30% with regular students,
but with his teaching staff monitoring and assiting.

Danny will be going to a similar school next year, but at this time
it's expected to be 100% special ed, and 60% in the second year.

Michael just finished first grade. First grade here is 8am-1:30pm 5 days
a week. Sun, Mon,Wed,Thru and Fri morning are spent in a special program
(1:30-4:30) where is personal issues are dealt with and his special qualities
(he is a born leader) are encouraged. Just to note, the regular class is
30+ children, one teacher and several assistants, the afternoon program
is 6 children and two teachers and an assistant. 

All of the special ed classes have at least one girl on national service.
This is done mostly by religous girls who do not want to serve in the

All of this, and door to door transportation is provided free by the

I had no idea how easy it was to get ritalin in the U.S.

> I'm all for helping those that need help with drugs, therapy or
> whatever else is *effective*.  But I do not think giving drugs
> to kids so their parents and teachers don't have to deal with
> them is appropriate.

AACK, I new schools had gotten bad since I left the U.S., but I had no idea.


Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at mendelson.com 972-54-608-069
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