[geeks] IRIX Icons

Joshua D. Boyd jdboyd at celestrion.celestrion.net
Tue Jul 22 19:42:03 CDT 2003

On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 09:12:59AM +0100, Rob Fielding wrote:
> KRM wrote:
> >Anyone know how to assign icons to apps under IRIX 6.5.*?  Don't know if 
> >it makes any differance but i am reffering to the square icon that 
> >appears when you minimize an app under IRIX.  I'd like to be able to 
> >create and assign some to a few apps i have that have none associated.
> Check out supportfolio. They have all the 'pipeline' magazine articles on 
> there dating back to 1993. There's one about creating icons:
> http://support.sgi.com/browse_request/pipeline_browse_year?PAGE_NAME=PIPELINE&DOCUMENT_TYPE=Pipeline&YEAR=1993

They say that I can't read that because my free Supportfolio account is
insufficient.  Sigh.  I want a proper account, but I just can't afford
even the base level of fullcare.

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