[geeks] FW: [rescue] UPS Recommendation

N.Miller vraptor at promessage.com
Wed Jul 16 16:59:29 CDT 2003

On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 01:58 PM, vance at neurotica.com wrote:
> My problem is not that people aren't trained in *how* to use firearms, 
> but
> many of them aren't trained *when* to use firearms, or more accurately,
> *when not* to use firearms.
Hell, even most cops don't know all that they should about the
latter.  A lady in San Jose was shot and killed by the cops
over the weekend--the family says she had a vegetable peeler
in her hand.  The cops said it was a knife, and cops are
*very* jinky about knives (as well they should be).

I imagine there will be a big lawsuit over this one (the lady
was also ESL, barely).


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