[geeks] NetBSD newbie question

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Tue Jul 15 10:51:51 CDT 2003

On Tuesday, July 15, 2003, at 03:54  AM, Jochen Kunz wrote:

> On 2003.07.14 22:14 Andrew Weiss wrote:
>> I [...] was wondering if I can just go ahead and rm all
>> the X11R6 stuff.
> You can just "rm -rf /usr/X11R6" to "unistall" the X11 stuff.
> But I would not do it. Sometimes it is very usefull to be able to do
> some "xterm -display somewhere:0.0 &" or to install some X11 pkgs.
On firewall boxen such as these I never run X.  This machine doesn't 
have the balls for it anyhow.

It's simpler to do all admin through ssh... and I'm blocking other 
services outside the box.  The box even swallows pings so nobody at 
corporate knows its there...We had some discussion with one of our 
sales guys who is in line to be branch manager about net access so I 
think he thought he was being helpful by calling IT at corporate about 
a lab setup... to which they told me to remove all my machines from the 
corporate network and set up an isolated lab... (these are the machines 
I use to do my job mind you)... Corporate has no on-site IT people and 
has turned a silent shoulder to our offers of help at being their eyes 
and ears on-site.

To them a proper workstation is a Windows XP box on their domain which 
has GPO's applied to machine policy so that it takes half an hour to 
log in (they won't provide decent equipment so we build stuff from 
garbage) and Installation services are disabled... and the default 
software includes a personal firewall (which is annoying as hell and 
unnecessary --- one of those block everything until you answer 
questions about it which sucks for newbies who click deny by 
mistake)....so I replaced my machines with my Powerbook G3, a K62-350 
(for my only Windows apps - Outlook Exchange and Clarify CRM which I 
run headless via RDP on the Powerbook), an HP 9000 D-Class D220 (for 
9000 support in the data centre), the office Powermac G4 (for all techs 
training and Mac service), and one guy had a wireless router which was 
a security hole so I'd see their point on that... I just shoved it all 
behind my original PC built from company trash and am running NetBSD on 

All the equipment I use is mine from home (and expendable in case you'd 
be worried that they'd go psycho and I wouldn't get it back)


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