[geeks] State Contracts

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Jan 28 16:00:09 CST 2003

On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 02:09 PM, Bill Bradford wrote:
>> That's be nice. They can only put off spending for so long.  What 
>> amazes
>> me is how clueful some of these states are (like Maine) vs how 
>> clueless
>> others are (like GA), and the very broad range of rates theyre 
>> offering.
>> Anywhere from 45-80 for basically the same job.
> Wow, janitors make that much now?  Amazing.

   OHMIGOD!  DOH!  Wipe the blood off, Chris.


Dave McGuire           "Wear whatever you want...Just don't be surprised
St. Petersburg, FL        if you wind up with a blow-gun dart in your
                            prosthetic boobies."    -Kurt Huhn

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