[geeks] historical weather data

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 22 21:58:18 CST 2003

--- James <james at jdfogg.com> wrote:
> This seemed simple.
> I want to know what the weather was like when I was born. Mom told me
> it was one of the coldest days of record. NOAA wants $$?? For data
> that I paid to have collected. Yeah.

You paid to collect the weather info the year you were born? How?

Did you personally sponsor someone to type it into a NOAA databse, or
were you a tax-payer in your first year of life...
> Are there any simple web sites that can display this simple data?

Possibly - did you try the weather channel web site?

> Anyone have experience in this area?

None ;^)


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