[geeks] Re: hub needed

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Mon Jan 20 15:58:35 CST 2003

On Monday 20 January 2003 03:40, Bill Bradford wrote:
> If you call someone who collects older computers a "cheap bastard", you
> have no place on the SunHELP mailing lists.


> Go cut another hole in the side of your peecee case and brag about how
> many gigahertz you have.. it just helps you reboot faster after crashes.

LOL. I don't overclock (why would I heat the house with expensive 
electricity and ruin a perfectly well working cpu... get real).

otoh, you might look further to better casemods then the ones you've seen 

Frank Van Damme

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