[geeks] Followup on weapons seizure

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Sat Jan 18 21:18:33 CST 2003

> As per usual, I agree with Kurt on this. The guy was in 
> violation of the
> law. The gun laws in this country have been obtuse and poorly 
> thought out
> since 1900 or so when states started trying to keep blacks from having
> guns - and then used the same laws against everyone to 
> demonize certain
> gun classes.
> - Rob

Absolutely 0 argument from me there. We all seem to agree
philosophically here, just a matter of what to do about it.

Oh and why is it that no-one ever mentions the 14th amendment (noone can
be deprived of life liberty and pursuit of happiness without due
process. Implies that you may defend yourself) and its equal protection
clause, along with the second amendment. 

Or the full faith and credit clause (art. 4 sec 1), or the interstate
commerce act when it comes to recognizing permits. 

What about the ninth amendment specifying that anything not specifically
limited or proivded for the limitation of in the constitution was a
fundamnetal right. That rights were inherhent not granted. How about the
related 10th amendment speciying that all rights not granted to congress
were inherent to the people. 

Chris Byrne

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