[geeks] Everyone needs one :)

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Thu Jan 9 17:26:31 CST 2003

Shawn Wallbridge <swallbridge at franticfilms.com> wrote:

> Kurt Huhn wrote:
> >but still let tons of light through.  Invertors for that stuff is
> >also quite small and inexpensive - readily available for 3, 6, 9, and
> >12v power sources.
> >
> >Or am I completely off base?
> >
> Someone at work has one (maybe not from teh same guy, but pretty
> close). Did you want me to see if he can bring it in for pictures?

Ooooh! That would be very cool!

Kurt                "I remember that I've got a solid base of worms and
kurt at k-huhn.com      ant eggs.  I puke like a hero all night long."
                                                      -- Tony Bourdain

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