[geeks] Things that go BANG

Michael Schiller schiller at agrijag.com
Thu Jan 9 13:53:31 CST 2003

On Thursday, January 9, 2003, at 11:51 AM, Michael A. Turner wrote:

> 	Since we are currently in loud noise mode on the list time to bring
> up a handful of things I wouldn't mind exploring.
> 	Firstly, anyone do black powder weapons? I have been real tempted to
> buy one of the 6 shot models of the 1800's pistols that are out their,
> something like the Navy pistol or some such, but have been worried 
> that they
> are disappointing to fire. Anyone got a black powder pistol that would 
> care
> to weigh in on the subject?

I have a Ruger Old Army that I love. I have the stainless model, which 
makes cleaning it a bit easier. I've never shot it with real black 
powder, but rather with Pyrodex. I like the Ruger, because with Pyrodex 
it's physically impossible to overload it! The 'standard' load I use is 
to fill the cylinder to the top with powder, then compress the ball 
down onto the powder (something you couldn't do with real black powder) 
I also like the fact that the Ruger is a modern gun, and so strong 
enough for any load you want to stuff in it.

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