[geeks] New Apple Laptops

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Tue Jan 7 23:25:18 CST 2003

I always had an idea of having a laptop in a rubber coated shock proof 
casing with the motherboard floating loose with spongy material on the 
inner side of the casing in fluorinert or similar.... and a sealed 
membrane keyboard... A scuba laptop of sorts... maybe make it yellow 
like those water resistant walkman radios of the late 80's early 90's.

On Tuesday, January 7, 2003, at 10:24  PM, Mike Hebel wrote:

> Gavin Hubbard wrote:
>>> Did everyone see? <drool> 17" TiBook <drool>
>>> shawn
>> It looks nice, but I'm more impressed with the 12.1" Powerbook.
>> Oh - did you notice that it is no longer a TiBook? They appear to a 
>> have dropped Titanium in favour of an Aluminium alloy.
> Probably because, as a friend of mine found out when she dripped hers, 
> Titanium in that particular alloy is more brittle than aluminum.
> IMHO I think Panasonic had the best idea and used shock gels with a 
> heavy magnesium frame.  But then I also want a fully waterproof laptop 
> that is made of stainless steel too. ;-)
> Mike Hebel
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