[geeks] MacOS X and video cards

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Tue Jan 7 18:03:26 CST 2003

I heard the firmware hack for this is a lot less reliable than just 
enabling Quartz Extreme on a Radeon Mac Edition, or Radeon 7000.  I got 
a Radeon Mac Edition (which includes the texturing) off Ebay.


On Monday, January 6, 2003, at 04:17  PM, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 04:01:09PM -0500, Dave McGuire wrote:
>> On Monday, January 6, 2003, at 03:58 PM, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
>>>>   I have what may be a dumb question about MacOS X.  Let's say I
>>>> have a
>>>> beige G3 with onboard video.  Can I plug a PCI VGA card into a slot
>>>> and
>>>> have it somehow override the onboard video hardware?
>>> If the VGA card groks OFW, and the onboard port doesn't have a 
>>> monitor
>>> attached, the Mac should select the port on the card automagically.  
>>> At
>>> least, that's been my experience.  If it doesn't, you can probably
>>> smack it around in OpenBoot.
>>   That sounds good.  Can someone recommend an affordable PCI video 
>> card
>> for MacOS X, no OpenGL or any other crap, but decent resolution and 
>> bit
>> depth?  Quartz Extreme would be a nice bonus.
> Geforce2MX?
> Should be so cheap that considering a cheaper/slower card wouldn't make
> sense, but it all depends on what you can find right that moment.
> -- 
> Joshua D. Boyd
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