[geeks] Re: Help me convert a computer illiterate to an iMac!

Gavin Hubbard ghub005 at xtra.co.nz
Mon Jan 6 18:41:06 CST 2003

No I'm not kidding. After looking at my mothers experience/requirements, I decided that a locally assembled Athlon system with WinXP was the best solution for her.

Apart from a minor hiccup with a cheap USB hub (the system won't shut down if it is left on!?) the system has been running like a dream for the last year.



> On Monday, January 6, 2003, at 06:43 PM, Gavin Hubbard wrote:
> > Oh dear. Surely I'm not the only one here who recommended a WinXP 
> > machine for his/her mother :-o
>    You have GOT to be kidding me.
> --
> Dave McGuire           "She's a cheek pincher.  I have scars."
> St. Petersburg, FL                          -Gary Nichols
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