[geeks] 802.11

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Thu Feb 27 14:05:15 CST 2003

	So I just got a new laptop (Ya ME!) today. So I am now trying to
grok 802.11 and the necessary equipment that I will need. I was discussing
it here at work with a particularly clueless idiot (High Dave!) when he
floored me with the statement "802.11a went 300 feet but 802.11b only goes
50.) my jaw dropped, I expressed my disbelief in his ill informed
information and pointed out the fact that he was a brain dead weasel about
most things so I doubted that he knew this. He was adamant that he was write
as he had "Researched" it before and that is what he had found out. 
	So, in order to embarrass him publicly, I went looking for the
distance info. I have found lots of things stating what the standard is, but
nothing listing what the common distance is for it to broadcast (without
heroic modification) anyone got a site they can point me to? Just need some
facts. I want to get my full points today for Dave baiting so any help would
be appreciated.

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer WHRO
michael.turner at whro.org

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