[geeks] PC question

Joshua D. Boyd jdboyd at celestrion.celestrion.net
Fri Feb 21 15:12:56 CST 2003

On Fri, Feb 21, 2003 at 03:37:43AM -0500, Kevin wrote:

> Understandable.  I on the other hand, have more of an 80s, if
> it works screw the ethics, view.  Taint my kernel all you
> want as long as it keeps ticking along.  And so far the closed
> source nvidia drivers work extremely well for me.

My computer crashes a lot more now that I'm using the Nvidia drivers
instead of what came with XFree.  Before XFree would crash a lot when
running buggy GL programs.  Now it doesn't crash as much, but when it
does it takes down the whole computer.  I'm not happy at all, but can't
afford a nice SGI yet.
> - From my understanding they cannot open the source even if
> they wanted to do so due to technology that they license from
> another company, but i do not know if this is true or
> not.

They could release a lot more than they do though.  It would be nice to
have docs for getting T&L working on the Geforce 1s and 2s.  Or even on
the Geforce 3s and 4s, but to my understanding, those implement the T&L
as behind the seen vertex shaders.

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