[geeks] X11 Connection Forwarding Madness

R. Lonstein ross-sunhelp at lonsteins.com
Fri Feb 14 11:15:18 CST 2003

On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 03:39:40PM -0600, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> Maybe I'm asking for too much here, but I want to forward a forwarded
> X11 connection.  Here's the setup:
	[snip- several hops]
> I'm home sick today, and I need to do some work involving a particularly
> awful piece of IBM software that uses a Java-based GUI administration
> tool.  X11 forwarding from the server to the Mac works just fine.  X11
> forwarding from the Sun to the server works just fine.

Particularly awful? Like WebFear?

All of this is entirely theoretical, hypothetical, is against most
employee usage agreements and has never, ever been done...  You could
try a bucket brigade of forwarding a port 6000+ to the remote machine
and setting the display. So each machine might forward 6008 except the
final target which forwards from local 6008 to 6000 and on the first
you set DISPLAY=0:8 so the display pops up at the last one in the

It might be easier to set up a couple of port forwards to target the
firewalled SSHD. Again, purely hypothetical.

- Ross

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