[geeks] Common Unix knowledge

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sat Feb 8 17:37:39 CST 2003

Imperialist Republican Foreign Policy Doctrine... (aka Warmonger 
doctrine)  most prevalent in the Reagan years where anyone who was 
fighting socialists or communists was blindly handed money and 
arms....even if the forces doing the fighting were merely criminals and 
destroying and destabilizing a working system (i.e. Jonas 
Savimbi)...also present in the Nixon years and got its start with 
Eisenhower but Eisenhower isn't completely to blame as at that time 
there was some reason to do this (but there is no excuse for 
McCarthyism).  A modified version is in play now with Iraq.  0. Can't 
win another election on economic policy... 1. hmmm fight war....2. GOTO 


On Saturday, February 8, 2003, at 03:31  PM, Kurt Huhn wrote:

> Yup.  Taught that it was bad by the government sponsored school system 
> -
> go figure....
> -- 
> Kurt              "My name is James Connolly, I didn't come here to 
> die,
> kurt at k-huhn.com    but to fight for the rights of the working man..."
>                                                       -- Black 47
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