[geeks] SGI packing

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Fri Feb 7 11:47:58 CST 2003

Kevin <kevin at mpcf.com> wrote:

> materials.  I just received two DIMMS ordered from SGI.  They
> came in a box roughly twice the width of a shoe box and about
> the same thickness.... for two "remarketed" DIMMS?  I mean, of

They're not alone, unfortunately.  I just got in a single DIMM from
newegg.com packed in the largest Fedex overnight box they could find, and
nearly 6 feet of bubble wrap.

Kurt                 " Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to flagellate 
kurt at k-huhn.com        myself with a soldering iron."
                                                   --Kris Kirby 

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