[geeks] masculanity and geekdom

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 2 20:20:25 CST 2003

--- Mike Hebel <nimitz at speakeasy.net> wrote:
> On Sunday, February 2, 2003, at 07:45 PM, Lionel Peterson wrote:
> > Well, I can't (and wouldn't dare) speak for Amy, but I have known
> men
> > my whole life (all 39 years, though I don't remember all of them
> now
> > ;^), and the most generous number I can come up with is a sample
> size
> > of around 500 that I have casually known.
> Wow.  What do you mean by "casually known".  Known enough to know how

> they feel about things or been close enough to observe their actions.

The latter - I went to a lot of schools, and met a lot of folks (3 or 4
colleges, two high schools, two middle schools, three elementary
schools - no, we weren't avoiding the law, I bounced in and out of
privet/public schools, trying to "help Lionel perform at his full
potential." Eventually, they figured out I just didn't like school that
> I'm just curious because the former I have a hard time coming up with

> greater than 100 in my lifetime.  Maybe I just lived a sheltered
> life.

Well, I rounded up, but for example, I knew about 75 "men" in HS (half
the male population of my small school, 7-12 grade) over the course of
my 4 years there, add in a couple of small frats, several dorm floors,
and the number gets upthere pretty quickly.

300 might be a better guess, but I am sure it is under 500.


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