[geeks] Copyright questions

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Sat Feb 1 22:49:57 CST 2003

> And just how are you planning to use these quotes?  I'd like to see a 
> sample.
> Bill

Sure, no problem. A very reasonable request sir. 

I havent written anything yet, I wanted to get permission first, but I
should have thought of that. 

What I had thought of doing was taking postings I had either made or
responded to, and putting them up, either as they were written, or
expanding them into a full article. 

I figured that it would be necessary to include at least quotations from
the original source material for context in the case of items that I had
responded to if nothing else. If I didn't include the source the
response may not make sense (hell it might not make sense with the
source but I can try). 

I also thought that quotations from other peoples responses to my
postings might be necessary for continuity. And I would like to place
attribution to original arguments, and ideas from other people that I
use or dispute in my writings.  

I'll have something written by tomorrow and Ill post a link to it. 

Chris Byrne

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